Apprentice Reece Harris at Bricks & Mortar

Bricks and Mortar – Reece Harris
So, my Granda said to me when I was a 11, “Get yourself an apprenticeship Reece, do your best and
you’ll make me proud.”

There was something in what he said that stuck with me.

I wasn’t too keen on school with the crowds and noise, don’t get me wrong, I have a great set of
friends and tight family, just school didn’t feel right for me.

I really liked the idea of working and being in charge of my own future. I managed to pick up a little
work experience at an estate agent in my local town and something clicked.

To be honest I didn’t want to leave.

I spoke to the managing director Stuart and finance director Jill and asked them how I could be a
part of the team.

Jill contacted Key training and started discussions on how to make this happen.

I decided to enrol onto a Level 3 Business Admin apprenticeship with Key Training and started my
placement is with Stuart, Jill and the team at Bricks and Mortar Estate Agents.

The tasks they gave me were ones that I could manage, and the sense of achievement that came
with being able to support the team feels amazing.

I can honestly say Bricks and Mortar is great company and everyone looks out for me. They are very
supportive in my apprenticeship, no one minds me hiding away in a spare office to do my tutorials
and my apprenticeship work.

Doing this apprenticeship means I earn a wage which has helped my buy my first car, (my Auntie
helped me with the driving lessons, I said I have a close family!). I couldn’t have afforded to do this if
I chose to go to college or stayed in sixth form.

My learning coaches are Janet Henderson who teaches me business admin and Phil Tait helps me
with English as I said from the start, I would like help with grammar. They have been excellent and
teach at a pace that suits me.

My Granda and family are so proud of what I have achieved with the apprenticeship and especially
when I can take them out in my car!

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