Key Training upskilling PA Answer's Beth to Operations Manager

Key Training helped Beth Coggins on the right path when the opportunity arose to move into management.

PA Answer, are a proud home of a friendly personal telephone answering service. They service professional companies with highly-trained virtual receptionists.

Beth of PA Answer Limited wanted to upskill onto an Operations Manager Level 5 programme to improve her leadership skills.

Beth said “I felt this programme would help me become the best possible manager for my team. After reading about the Apprenticeship, I knew it would be a good fit for me. Ben my learning coach has been tutoring me for a few months and being able to track my progress on One File has been very useful”.

Beth thinks there are several advantages in going down the apprenticeship route: “It is extremely rewarding and can unlock doors for you in terms of career choices.

“You also gain a qualification as you are working and learning at the same time, with opportunities to undertake different Apprenticeship levels”.

What did Beth find interesting about her Operations Manager Level 5 Apprenticeship?

“I particularly enjoyed the webinars as I learn a lot from these when it comes to speaking with people from other businesses and understanding how their systems work.

“I also found it interesting to learn about finance as this is not something I deal with day-to-day, therefore it helped give me a better understanding”.

Beth says she found the remote delivery fitted in well with her work routine: “I chose Key Training as everything is remote which is best for me. Also, PA Answer have been using Key Training for several; years for our new Apprentices and they enjoy learning through Key”.

PA Answer, are a proud home of a friendly personal telephone answering service. They service professional companies with highly-trained virtual receptionists.

Would Beth recommend other people doing an Apprenticeship with Key Training?

“Definitely, you are treated as an individual and the training is adapted to suit everyone’s preferred learning style,” says Beth of PA Answer.

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