Mastering JEE Web Development (TT5100)

IT Technical

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Course Length: 5 Days

Delivered: Virtually


This course is for experienced Java developers who are new to JEE and need to get up and running with essential dynamic web development skills. You will gain core JEE knowledge and skills that can be used as the foundation for developing production-quality web applications to a basic level.


This is an introductory- level Java programming course, designed for experienced developers who wish to get up and running with JEE, or who need to reinforce sound Java for Web / JEE coding practices. Attendees should have a working knowledge of developing basic Java software applications.


Students who attend Mastering JEE Web Application Development will leave the course armed with the required skills to design and build scalable, secure, maintainable web applications - leveraging our extensive experience in the delivery of scalable enterprise applications with complex web interfaces based on JEE technologies. Throughout this training, you will be confronted with common web application design problems and given the tools you will need to solve them, such as JEE design patterns. You will also be exposed to a range of JEE and web technologies such as Servlets, JSPs, JSF, JNDI, CDI and advice on when and how to use them. Students will also learn about the capabilities of servlets, their advantages, servlet architecture, and session management. Developers will also learn about managing resources, deployment, and application models, how to use custom tags, and how to build robust and capable web applications using servlets and other components. The course begins with a discussion of web application architecture. A major part of the course is spent on the various web components that are used to implement dynamic web applications. Students will learn not only specific topics and APIs but also how to fit the pieces together into a complete application.

Working within in an engaging, hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will learn to:


1 - Developing Java EE applications

2 - JEE Dynamic Web Applications

3 - JEE Servlet Filters and Listeners

4 - Expression Language 3.0 (EL)

5 - Custom Tags

6 - Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI)

7 - Using Resources

8 - Java API for WebSocket

9 - Java Bean Validation (JSR 349)

10 - Managing Web Applications

11 - Introduction to Java Server Faces

12 - Facelets

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