Course Code: CONSULT
Duration: 2 Days
Delivered: Virtually
Module 1: Creating and Managing Sites and Pages
- Overview of sites and web pages
- Creating sites
- Creating pages
- Deleting sites
Module 2: Managing Site Security
- Overview of permissions in SharePoint
- Managing SharePoint groups
- Changing permission inheritance
- Managing Permission levels
Module 3: Creating and Managing Lists and Libraries
- Creating lists and libraries
- Managing list and library settings
- Creating and managing columns
- Creating and managing site columns
- Creating and managing views
Module 4: List and Library Views
- Default views
- Custom views
- Quick edit view
Module 5: List and Library Management
- Exporting list data to spreadsheets
- Using column filters
Module 6: Document Library Management
- Adding and Modifying Content
- Check Out/ Check In
- Edit and view document properties
- Version Control
- Content Approval
Module 7: Other settings
- Use of recycle bin
- Use and management of alerts
- Understanding and using automated workflows